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Terms of USE

About Registration
We declare that the data are used only for identification purposes when buying at BlumarineGoodies and will not be disclosed to third parties or misused. With the confirmation of registration, you agree to receive newsletters from the online store.
Return policy
The products covered by the law of the complaint must be submitted for consideration immediately after detecting defects, must be clean and with proper documents and a description of the defect or identification of the defected area.
Terms and conditions are valid from October 13th, 2023.
Information for buyers: in the case of changes in Terms and Conditions, valid Terms and Conditions are the ones, which were in force on the date of the purchase.
By confirming the order, customers confirms the processing of his personal data.
In accordance with Act no. 122/2013 about protection of personal data, as amended, the customer agrees with the management, processing, and storage of personal data contained in his order for the purpose of seamless dispatching of his order, or for a later complaint.


